Protecting the family home is undoubtedly one of the biggest and most significant investments. And when it comes to safety, safety switches save lives. The switchboard in your home is the control panel for all the wiring in your home. Older switchboards are less safe and might not deliver adequate power when you want to add more appliances like air conditioning units or add extensions that need more outlets to the home.

Modern-day switchboards don’t use fuses and have more safety features in their ability to detect faults, shut down, and, most importantly, supply more power. Many people consider a switchboard upgrade an attractive addition to the home, but it is the most important one. Hiring a switchboard upgrade electrician may suddenly be essential to the home renovation strategy to make it more secure.

This post discusses the necessity of switchboard upgrades when you plan to install air conditioners.

Signs that Show You Need Switchboard Upgrade

  • The overcrowded appearance of the switchboard
  • Flickering lights
  • Fuses that blow unexpectedly or circuit breakers
  • Ceramic or rewirable fuses (found in houses more than 15 years old)
  • Overheating switchboard cables
  • Continous power tripping
  • Minor electrical shocks from switches and power points

The necessity of Switchboard Upgrades

  • Protecting the Property from the Threat of Potential Fire Danger

Faulty fuses and degrading wiring in the old switchboards are more prone to fire hazards and take a great toll on lives. Replacing the old switchboards will help eliminate the risk of fire hazards.

  • Proper Supply of Power

It is seen that houses that are 15 years old have switchboards that can’t handle the load of large air conditioning systems. It is because previously, houses were wired just to deal with the basics, including a circuit, stove and some appliances.

But now, with a more enhanced lifestyle coupled with comfort, different types of equipment are available in the industry. And it is equally important to ensure that the switchboards are keeping it well. The existing switchboard can handle one or two small-size air conditioners. But numerous split systems or a large ducted air conditioner can cause a potential power drain.

  • Avoid Constant Circuit Tripping

In case you are dealing with constant circuit tripping, everything connected to that particular circuit will power down. Unplug the last device connected to the circuit to check a scenario of overloading. Then start with resetting the safety switch and then repower the circuit. In case the power continues to flow without any hindrance, the problem is solved.

In case the circuit continues to trip, it is clear that you have a faulty appliance. If the appliance is causing the safety switch to trip, the device or the appliance might break down, and you will never want the same. Touching such appliances can lead to some serious consequences. It is better to get it inspected by a professional electrician and go for a switchbaord upgrade.

Nowadays, electricians who market themselves well are in demand more than ever, so make sure to choose the best one for the job. Always check the credentials before hiring one and ensure that the professional has relevant experience of dealing with switchboards.