Emergency Services Growing During the Pandemic

Emergency Services Growing During the Pandemic

As the world is doing its best to survive the coronavirus pandemic, there are a lot of changes that have taken place. Most businesses have shut down, public gatherings have been aneled and people are reminded to keep the social distance. Citizens are urged to stay at...
Emergencies Call For Fast Creative Thinking

Emergencies Call For Fast Creative Thinking

If you have not understood the warnings about global warming and the climate crisis, we are in an emergency situation according to the science. Our leaders, past and present, like Tony Abbott and Donald Trump, wilfully ignored the clarion calls for action on this...
Can Electricians Get Bees Producing Honey At Night

Can Electricians Get Bees Producing Honey At Night

It is sad but true that my editor is a capitalist at heart. He dreams of gold but not the honey kind of gold. Why, I ask myself, would anyone want to make bees work at night? Only industrialists and other Trump supporters would want to deprive bees of their sleep. The...